Book review: The Morning Star by KO Knausso

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
That big jessy Karl is back with a novel. At first i thought he was trying too hard with all the differing points of view, trying to raze all the singularity of PoiOVoi of His Struggle. A lot of it seemed a bit flat, even bad. But he seemed to find his groove in the second half, did Karl, a welding occurred between concepts and events if you like, i did find that at any rate. In the end it didn't matter so much that hardly anything gets resolved, I thought, reading it. Some are saying it's a set up for another serialised behemoth. Ok. Or saying it's ham-fisted, especially the ruminations on death. Some are saying this novel demonstrates how bad a writer of fiction Karl actually is. I say fuck them. If you're not an academic yourself, you might, like me, like the way Karl blends the intellectualising of events and concepts and schools of thought like the life of Christ, death and theology with the absolutely fucking mundane like shopping, packing cars and eating corn flakes. I am want to agree with a friend who suggested Karl wrote very well about food shopping. I think he writes equally well about thanatology. Well done on this one, Karl.
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