GUEST POET: J.P. Quinton

Night of the Selfless Orchestra

The moon waned, and rose to meet
the barrier reef, and the asylum.

An island rabbit with semen,
a Suburu station wagon sleep ready

beside Woodman Point shrubs,
where you and your snorkelling buddies

entered the water, four to five
hours after I entered you

and your future recollections;
on your command I stopped being gentle,

and you laughed when I asked
if you’d spew if I lit a candle or two,

and you laughed when my head
refused to fall into your hands

and you laughed off being a bogan
or a hippy, the tiled floor met your laugh,

the cream limestone blocks
met your voice, met your reddened ears,

yet there was the problem of being there.
There’s no reason to touch

the back of your knee, or to watch
A Clockwork Orange, again.

But you weren’t laughing when you left,
I could be sorry, whereas you,

as you gathered your wine and shoes,
you had a course of hormones to get through.


James P. Quinton is the author of Bad Boy Boogie, a fictional romp through the life of AC/DC singer Bon Scott, as well as numerous poetry books. He lives in Perth, west Australia, and is writing a book based on tales garnered from hiking some of the planet's most epic trails.



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