on a 747 & there is a man in chinos with his connies. pacing. as we sail above the atlantic the dude paces with a hand in his beige chinos. and those chinos pulled RIGHT UP where the three tone black, brown and tawny bevelled 35% leather belt is kinda tightly squeezing his abdomen, just below the ribcage. the pressed, white, abercrombie & fitch thick pin, cufflinked shirt. the side-parted light brown hair straight outta the catalogue, bitch. pacing up and down in the plane with his hands behind his back in his connnies. is that steve jobs? didn’t he die? the telcom, movie and computer genius is dead.
and anyway jobs favoured black turtlenecks. they became one of his motifs, like elegant design and usability and increased personal computing power became motifs of the business he ran. zuckerberg may have had connectivity, but jobs had elegant design and usability and he delivered increased personal computing power to millions if not billions (it's a little too expensive for that).
he was the guy that saw everything about portable telcoms and entertainment and computers and movie technology and connecting them and us and connecting apple to the beautiful core where phenomenons were born.
and he did all that in a black turtleneck. he slept in a black turtleneck design pair of pajamas. the bottoms were flannel, three quarter length, or four-fifth length, tai kwan doe style, to remind of the east, of faraway wisdoms, of knowing when to attack.
other bottoms were ultra-thin denim. slightly faded. made in the same regional chinese sweatshop the rest of the apple empire’s gear was made in.
the i-phone factory owner did it as a favour, it was easy enough – he used to be in the textiles business. there’d only been 14 suicides this year. not a bad number. last year, 46. “nobody mention that when jobs die.”
connies were made just down the road. why shouldn’t a man try to demonstrate he retains a hip edge via a pair of trainers that rose to prominence off the back of basketball-african american culture in the 1970s? but as he paces his thoughts are deep in STRATEGY. or trying to understand how jobs combined INSTINCT & STRATEGY.
or just trying to think GENIUS THOUGHTS...come ON!!!!!! something...atavism + computers + the, hang on, is that dinner being served?...
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